
The Kitchen Superstar: Microwave Oven

The Kitchen Superstar: Microwave Oven

Don’t underestimate your Microwave. This compact powerhouse has proven itself to be a star player in the kitchen. Just count how many times you used it to heat, reheat, defrost, broil, or air fry this week. It’s a staple for any kitchen; most of us can’t even imagine a kitchen without it.

Despite being one of the most useful kitchen tools, there are still a lot of questions.

  • Do the nutrients get zapped in there?
  • Can I microwave my leftovers in a plastic box?
  • Is the radiation harmful?

The answers are no, no (unless it's microwave-safe), and no.

We get it—the microwave’s always been one of those "we just use it" appliances, and not many of us have bothered to learn the science behind it. So consider this your crash course on Microwaves.

How it works

To explore those questions, we first need to understand how microwaves work in comparison to conventional ovens and cookers. Unlike traditional cooking methods that rely on direct heat, microwaves use energy waves with a super short wavelength. These waves pass through the food, making its molecules vibrate. The friction from this vibration generates heat, kind of like rubbing your hands together to warm them up on a cold day. That heat is what cooks the food from the inside out. 

So to answer the question: Is the radiation harmful?

Nope! Microwaves use "non-ionizing" radiation, which means they don't have enough energy to damage DNA or cells like ionizing radiation (like X-rays) can. So, no need to worry about any harm—your microwave is totally safe!

What happens to the vitamins? 

It’s interesting how we often associate microwaves with the loss of vitamins, when, in reality, every cooking method affects the nutrients in some way. Whether you're using a microwave, boiling in a pot on the stove, or roasting it in the oven, heat breaks vitamins and nutrients the moment it hits the food. 


But here’s where microwaves shine: microwaves cook food faster, meaning more of those vital nutrients stay intact!


If we boiled the same veggies, they’d be in hot water—literally! The longer cooking time would cause even more vitamins and minerals to escape. So, in many ways, the microwave & actually helps preserve more of the good stuff!

The best part? Panasonic offers a range of microwave ovens designed to cook the healthy meals we crave—and cook them to perfection, thanks to their revolutionary Inverter Technology!

What is the Panasonic Inverter Technology? 

Imagine reheating last night’s dinner for lunch. Your miso salmon rice bowl is seconds from being ready. You take your first bite and the center is COLD. This is the BIGGEST problem with most microwaves. That’s why Panasonic perfected its Inverter Technology to combat this issue.


The Inverter Technology delivers a steady, consistent stream of power, heats food evenly, and helps prevent cold spots. 


It even reduces cooking times by up to 40% which means you’re locking in even more nutrients! With this tech, your microwave turns into your personal sous chef, delivering perfectly heated meals every single time.

If you couldn’t tell already, we’re big fans of our Inverter Microwaves, —and for good reason! Thanks to them, our office lunches are always reheated to perfection.

But wait there’s more: The World of Multi-Ovens

What if we told you that we created microwave ovens that did more than just microwave? We’re stepping into new territory with Panasonic’s HomeChef 4-in-1 Multi-ovens. These versatile ovens offer a range of cooking programs, including convection bake, broil, and air fry. By combining microwave technology with these methods, you can cook food even faster— while locking in nutrients and achieving the perfect texture. Your meals will always come out tender, fresh, and flavorful. It’s the ultimate kitchen multitasker, unlocking a world of cooking possibilities!

With that, we’re pretty sure the microwave deserves the title of Kitchen MVP.

We know our microwaves will make your life easier by cooking meals faster, so you can spend less time waiting and more time enjoying the important stuff—like anything other than standing in front of a microwave.

Ready to taste what a Panasonic Multi-oven can do? Try our Roasted Veggies and Gorgonzola Gluten-free Pizza for your next family dinner. Bon Appétit!

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