Personal Care

How to Fearlessly Switch Up Your Beard Style

How to Fearlessly Switch Up Your Beard Style

Facial hair has always been and always will be an awesome way to showcase your style (Abe Lincoln, we’re looking at you). So, when you start thinking about changing it up it can be, well, terrifying. And if you think we’re being dramatic, you’re one of the lucky ones…IYKYK.

But whether we’re forced into a change (thank you for the groomsmen invite…and to your bridezilla), you’re trying to create a new you, or the weather has made the bulky style unbearable, there are some simple ways to make a style swap easier to swallow.

Ease Into Your Beard Trimming

First, think low and slow. Even if your goal is to take yourself from bushy to baby face, start off with the next comb height below your normal groom, and keep working your way down from there. You can always take more hair off, but once it’s gone —it’s gone. Better to ease yourself into the trim down, than watch your long-earned beard go down the drain in seconds…literally.

Find a Beard Style that Suits You

Second, if you’re not being pushed into a full shave down—seriously, when did it become acceptable to tell people how to wear their beards—try to find a new style that isn’t crazy different than what you’re already rocking. If you’ve got a long beard, go short. If you’ve got a short beard, maybe a goatee? From there you can shape and shift as you see fit, but there’s no need to go full-on drastic change all at once.

Another tip, avoid asking your closest friends and family about their thoughts on the matter. Just as we become attached to our own look, so do those we see most often. Your mom who thinks your manicured beard looks “distinguished” is probably not recommending a mustache. Your buddies who nicknamed you “the stache” are probably not going to recommend you shave it. But luckily, these types of decisions are yours and yours alone. So, remember to do you! And if you do have someone in your life that can be objective, go a head and hit them up (and also keep them around; objectivity is hard to find).

Before You Commit – Get a Visual of Your Beard

Lastly…there’s an app for that…as in you can actually check out different facial hair styles using an app. Thankfully, we live in a world where you don’t have to wonder like the days of old and you can “try before you buy.” Many different apps on the market can take a current or past picture and superimpose any different type of facial hair style onto your face. While it may not be a perfect representation of your future look, it will give you a pretty good idea of what might work and what might be a disaster.

Ultimately, regardless of your reason, switching up your style shouldn’t be a stressor. The great thing about hair is that is does (almost always) grow back. And who knows, maybe your best look yet is hiding under that current style!

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