Rasoir de voyage Palm à 5 lames

Prix de vente$280.49 Prix normal$329.99
Color: White NAGORI

Un rasage de précision dans la paume de votre main.

Ce rasoir ergonomique tient dans la paume de votre main pour vous raser avec une précision douce. Les lames et les feuilles hypoallergéniques en acier inoxydable japonais coupent proprement et doucement ; un capteur de barbe intégré assure la bonne pression tout en suivant les contours du visage, évitant ainsi les coups de rasoir et les irritations. Un moteur linéaire rapide et puissant coupe proprement même les cheveux denses à 39 000 coupes transversales/minute. Easy On/Off vous permet d'activer le rasoir d'un simple glissement du doigt.

Conformément à l'objectif de Panasonic de créer un monde plus recyclable et plus durable, le corps du rasoir Palm a été fabriqué avec NAGORI®, un matériau durable créé à partir de minéraux marins.

Upgrade your experience

The excellent technology and ergonomics of the ES-PV6A-W / ES-PV3A-K let you define your own shaving style with just the right grip, pressure, movement and closeness. There’s no need to grip tightly or press too hard -- the shave is easy, gentle, and robust.

Five blades make it happen

5 hypoallergenic stainless steel blades are made using techniques informed by generations of
Japanese blademaking to provide clean, gentle cutting that doesn’t irritate skin. Powered by an ultra-fast linear motor, they work in tandem to capture and cut every hair type.

Advanced Technology for Comfort and Precision

Adaptive beard sensor technology measures beard density and adjusts motor speed accordingly, giving you a smoother, more efficient shave experience.

Beautiful, Eco-friendly NAGORI®

The gorgeous shaver body of ES-PV6A-W has a marble pattern design derived from innnovative upcycled natural materials. NAGORI® is made from minerals leftover from the water purification process, not only reducing the need for plastic, but giving the shaver a luxe look and a light, ceramic-like handfeel.

Showerproof Design

IPX7 waterproof rating so you can shave in or out of the shower, with or without foam.

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Easy to Clean

Remove debris easily; rinse clean under running water.

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USB-C Charging

USB-C charger and adaptor included. A single charge of two hours yields 50 minutes of battery life.

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Travel-Ready Design

Portable design packs easy into suitcase. Included travel case for storage.

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Beautiful matte black shaver body

The high-end look and handfeel of the ES-PV3A-K shaver makes every shave an experience of luxury.


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