Planning a Trip? Don’t Leave Home Without These Travel Essentials

Travel-ready collection of Panasonic gear on a wooden surface, including a Lumix camera, noise-canceling earbuds, smartphone, and grooming kit

With winter winding down, people are catching the bug that they actually want to catch—the travel bug. It’s time to get in touch with your wanderlust, from planning a golfing getaway to a Caribbean cruise to a theme park with the fam. When packing for travel, space is always at a premium—but these few key items will ensure you’ll always be at the top of your game, no matter where you are and whom you’re with.

Noise Cancelling Earbuds that Go the Distance

Traveling means seeing new sights and sounds almost around the clock, and sometimes you will need to truly relax—tuck in with some comfy music, podcasts, or YouTube. The Technics AZ80 earbuds are designed with robust noise cancellation to give you the restorative “me” time you need. And the best feature of these buds isn’t just the sound they keep out, but the quality sound they provide. Highly customizable through the easy-to-use Technics Audio App, the AZ80 True Wireless Earbuds let you find the sweet spot in your audio, with the ability to emphasize treble, bass, or vocals, adjust EQ, and activate dynamic sound.

Perhaps most critical, you can adjust the degree and quality noise cancellation—from full-on sound deadening, to ambient mode (letting in outside sounds), to attention mode (letting only voices come through the music). Attention mode is clutch when traveling because it lets you hear train or airport announcements through your headphones. So, if your gate gets changed last-minute, you’ll still hear the heads-up.

The Technics True Wireless Earbuds even have your back in the occasional emergency when you’re out of office, but the office still comes knocking. Its 3-point multipoint connection lets you connect to up to three devices, so if you’re listening to podcasts on your mobile device and need to grab an urgent Zoom call on your tablet or laptop, you can seamlessly switch your audio. And with a call quality that amplifies voices and suppresses background noise, the AZ80 earphones ensure that even a work call while on vacation is a stress-free experience.

Feeling Great Means Looking Great

A vacation from work is often seen as a vacation from shaving, trimming, and grooming too. But what if you’re planning for a banquet at the captain’s table and need to look tidy? Or what if you travel mostly for work, and can’t afford to look scruffy, even after stepping off the redeye? Or maybe you simply don’t like taking vacations from grooming at all and like to look dapper 100% of the time.

Whether you’re looking to skip your normal morning shave and trim instead or keep your routine during your time away from home, the Panasonic MultiShape can help. This customizable, all-in-one shaving, trimming, and grooming system has got you covered however you choose to groom. It’s got click-on, click-off attachments that instantly engage with the battery base unit so you can shave, trim your beard and body hair, detail trim nose or ear hair, and even brush those pearly whites. A plus? Several premade, ready-to-go kits come with a custom travel bag. With so many attachment heads available you’ll never have to pack multiple devices ever again.

A Simple Way Travel More Green

If you count the number of plastic water bottles you use during a single trip, you’d probably be surprised. A simple way to be a bit more friendly to Mother Earth while still making sure you’re well-hydrated (did you know that airplane travel can lead to dehydration?) on any trip is to opt for a reusable water bottle or tumbler that you can fill up at filtered water stations throughout airports or at your hotel. Not only will you reduce your plastic waste and make it easier to quench your thirst, but you’ll save yourself some green, too.

Why Take a Snapshot When You Can Take a Picture?

Feeling great when traveling means keeping it simple so you can really soak up those one-of-a-kind great moments. At the same time, travel means there can be a lot of logistics to take care of! So when that photo-worthy moment occurs, such as the perfect sunset over a city skyline, an unbelievable vista, or a cool piece of street art, you need to be ready to shoot—which isn’t easy to do with your phone when you’re also using your phone to look up directions and score last-minute theater tickets.

The solution? Use a high-quality, beginner-friendly camera to keep your phone free for logistics and keep your memories in living color. The LUMIX G100 is an excellent travel buddy, with an unbelievably light handheld design and easy-to-use settings that satisfy every photographer, from beginner to experienced.

Don’t Get Caught in the Rain

When it rains, it pours. The last thing you want to do is be left soaking wet because the weather at your destination quickly changed when you when you least expected it. The simplest way to make sure you’re never stuck in the rain on your getaway is a micro umbrella. They pack light and will make sure you stay dry.

What are some of your favorite travel items to pack in your luggage?

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